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  • 執筆者の写真Erika Masui

【国際交流】Flat Stanley Project with Taiwan

Hello! This is Erika. We worked on a wonderful project together with a Taiwanese school and I'd like to share what we did.

In March, we read three chapters from the story Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown. The story is about a boy who gets flattened by a bulletin board hanging in his room. To his surprise, Stanley discovers that he can do many things like sliding under doors and mailing himself to faraway places. His adventures had inspired a geography project that started in Canada, in1995. The Flat Stanley Project is a pen pal activity, and by sending a Flat Stanley, it's as if the senders and the recipients have a mutual friend - a little flat version of themselves they can both talk about :)

3月から4月にかけてFlat Stanley Project に挑戦しました!まずはクラスでFlat Stanleyのお話を読みました。

この本の主人公スタンリーは自宅の部屋で掲示板が落ちてきて「ぺったんこ」になってしまい、体がペラペラの紙みたいになってしまってから、人生が変わってしまいます。その変化によって、色んなことができると発見できたスタンリーですが、中でも「封筒に入り色んな地域を訪ねる」ということが、このプロジェクトが始まったきっかけを作ったカナダのDale Hubert先生のアイデアにつながりました。自分たちが主人公のフラットスタンリーになって、封筒に入っていろいろな地域へ出かけちゃおう、というプロジェクトです。

まずはFlat Stanleyを作り、ラミネートをしたものを送りました。


We made our Stanleys and mailed them off.

The second photo is from our Taiwanese friends.


After deciding on which Stanley to take home, the children made an introduction video.

Flipgrid を使ってシェアしました。I used Flipgrid to share the videos.


During two weeks, I asked the children to take their Stanleys to wherever they want. Even though they all live relatively close to each other, they all took them to different places! They wrote down on their journals where they took them.

And we finally made a poster of their adventures! I also made a little presentation to show where all the kids took their Stanleys to :)





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