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  • 執筆者の写真Erika Masui


2 days ago we had 6 kids joining our special spring program, Creative Drama!

The program was originally planned for 5 days, but instead we had everyone come in for a day and we created a story within 3 hours.

Check out what we did!






We played some warm-up / drama games in the first hour so that everyone could be comfortable with me and the group.

- passing claps, sounds

- chants in different emotions

- vocal warm-ups

- balancing games

Pictures are children balancing cups on their heads while walking, crawling and skipping.



Then we talked about our favorite stories. I gave two examples of made up stories and asked which one they liked. The first story went like this...

1) Once upon a time, there was a cat and a dog. One day they had breakfast together and went to sleep.

The second one went like this...

2) Once upon a time a girl who lived with her grandmother heard a sudden noise in her room while she was sleeping. She then looked out the window but nobody was there. As she went down the stairs she saw her friend on the doorstep and she asked if she could come in as she was being chased by a wolf.....

I asked what the difference was between the 2 stories. The children thought about it and discussed it. We talked about events and problems that could make a story fun and exciting.

So, what would our story be like?

I also read an Ukrainian folk story to discuss characters and events.

I brought in lots of props for the children to help them create a story. The children also brought in some costumes and clothes and we had everything on the table. The children soon had an idea of what they wanted to be.

We had....

a princess fairy, a cat, turtle, singer, a man and a boy.

We looked around the room and out the window to see what the first scene could be. This is the hardest part but when we saw some graves outside, one boy suggested that we could be in a "funeral" - which everyone agreed with!

What an unexpected suggestion!

So from then the story continued....

Once upon a time, there was a funeral going on for their beloved friend Michael. Everyone missed him so much. The singer played some music for the funeral on his harmonica and after that the princess fairy suggested they fly to the sky to find their friend. While they were flying, they met a witch who wouldn't let them go past unless they could answer a riddle. When the magic had gone, all the characters fell to the ground and they landed on Michael's house. The witch tried to stop them by giving them another riddle but they were able to answer and found Michael watching TV in the living room. They were surprised! Then Michael gave them a box with a letter inside which said that they had travelled back in time so that they could save Michael. THE END





















Their creativity was amazing.

Drama is a really effective method to develop children’s language skills, team work, concentration, listening skills and creativity. And this time, children were challenged to utilize their creativity to create a story within the short time.




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